Friday, August 04, 2006

My spending spree...

Going back a little in time...when the lungs were healthy and fine!

Spring semester ended satisfactorily, pulled up a failing grade in one course and fell to B's and C's in the ones I was doing well...all to familiar. No regrets!

Was planning a trip to Canada for quite some time, got in touch with long lost friends, tried to gather some company, looked up airfare, visa procedure and all. One night my mom calls me up and tells me to try and go to London instead, Syedna was going to be there for his birthday, and my friends from Canada were planning to go as well. Long distance call, terminated. But the idea made through, spent the night collecting documents, sent in the Visa application the next morning, got it in four days and was on a flight a few days later to London! Spent the first week or so with the friends from Canada, attending Bohra community events and all and sightseeing, stayed at the desi-town Southhall. Now this place is as ghetto as it gets, desi style. There was a Gurdwara and gym style thingy for pehlwaans and not to mention a line of other desi shops. Actually, I hardly recall seeing any white people there. The railway station, no the tube didn't come this far, had Punjabi subtitles! (Can I use subtitles in this context? Who cares!). I think that's about enough for this post, I could go on rambling but should leave something for later!

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